Privacy Policy

Pro-Ship Incorporated. (hereafter, “our company”) considers it our duty to society to handle appropriately any personally-identifying information we receive from our clients, such as names, addresses, and email addresses (hereafter, “personal information”).

To that end, our company has implemented the following policies, which we plan to disseminate to the relevant employees.

  1. We will define clearly our goals in collecting personal information.
  2. We will limit the use and provision of personal information to our stated goals in collecting information.
  3. Personal information must be managed so that it is accurate and up-to-date, and reasonable safety measures must be implemented.
  4. If the release, revision, or deletion of personal information is requested by the individual concerned, our company must, as a general rule, comply with the request.

Our company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws and ordinances in our handling of personal information.

Weekdays 9am. to 6pm.
Sales Department